Displays a chart with the price history of your products so that your customers choose the best time to buy it and check the veracity of your promotions.
Displays a chart with the price history of your products so your customers can decide if it's the best time to buy it, and prove the truth of your promotions, such as Black Friday.
The prices of your products are saved each time a particular URL is accessed. So you can set up a CRON job to save the prices with the frequency as you want. To improve the security of the module, it generates a 32-bit key that must be added to the URL call for price saving to take place.
You can choose when you want your charts to appear on your products, to enhance promotion periods, or to wait until the module collects enough information.
The module is multi-shop compatible. Saved prices are separated by country, shop and combination of products, always in the default currency of your shop. If a customer visits the shop using a currency other than the default currency, the saved values are displayed in the currency chosen by the user, and the conversion is done according to the quotation currently held in your shop.
The graph can be viewed on several time scales, as follows:
Data sheet